Revelation Brought Me to Truth (Coffee with Anne and Christine)
Published: Wed, 03/12/25
Updated: Wed, 03/12/25
Christine tells how she wrote a book--and it changed Anne's life!
Shalom! This is just a quick note to let you
know that my friend Christine Miller and I have uploaded our 4th podcast.
In today's podcast, Anne Elliott chats with Christine Miller from Nothing New Press. Christine tells how she started writing her book, Revelation Revealed, and Anne shares how it helped her put her complete trust in Yah's Word!
Enjoy this episode with a good cup of coffee
(brewed like this), and don't forget to check UNDER the video for a list of all the resources mentioned in today's
Our goal is to bring a little bit of Scripture, a sprinkle of encouragement, and a dash of hope to your day.
Don't Forget to Order your Planner
For those of you who love the Redeeming the Time planner, don't forget to get your order in right away.
The Quarter 2 planner starts in April. That's just a couple weeks away.
This beautiful planner for Torah-observant women is
the same planner Anne uses daily. Be intentional with your time, pursuing things that matter for eternity.
Thank you for taking time to sip coffee with us. I hope your
day is tov—good and accomplishing what the Creator designed you for. Everything your hand finds to do, do it with all your might and for the glory of Yah!
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